How to use Sticky Roll with electronic cutting machines and unleash your creativity!
One of the most common questions I get asked is
‘How do I use Sticky Roll with my Scan n Cut / Silhouette / Cricut?’
I love using double sided adhesive Sticky Roll with my machines, it has inspired new techniques and projects and made me a far more creative crafter, and I just know that you’re going to love it too!
Step 1 - Convert an old mat
The liner on Sticky Roll has a non-stick coating on it which means that a normal mat won’t hold any material covered in Sticky Roll. If you try and put it through your machine it will slip all over the place, driving you mad and ruining your piece of card, and nobody wants that!
The solution to the problem is to convert one of your old mats, meaning that any material covered in Sticky Roll will hold firmly to the mat as it passes through your machine.
This also gives a well-used mat which is no longer sticky a whole new lease of life!
To convert a mat, you can either use the Fabric Support sheet that comes with the machine, or surprise! You can use Sticky Roll!
With either of the above, simply cut the correct size to fit the mat and lay the piece sticky side down on the cutting area only.

If you do go over the cutting area don’t worry! Just trim off the excess with a craft knife. Burnish the sheet down on to the mat and et voila!

Please make sure that you keep the liner paper on the mat when it’s not in use and only place items covered in Sticky Roll down on this mat, it is now extremely sticky and if it’s not got Sticky Roll on it you won’t get it back off again!
If all your mats are lovely and new don’t do this step yet, only cover one side of your material with Sticky Roll and place it on to the mat with the Sticky Roll side facing up.
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Step 2 - Add Sticky Roll to your chosen material
The best way to add Sticky Roll to your card, paper, fabric etc is to roll out the Sticky Roll flat on to a cutting mat and place your chosen material directly on to it.

Cut around the material with a craft knife, or if you prefer, cut just along the inside with scissors, this will prevent any sticking to your scissors.

If you need to cover both sides with Sticky Roll, simply turn over the material and repeat the above process!
Step 3 - Place your material on your mat and get cutting!
Place your material Sticky Roll side down on the mat and smooth down as normal. As with any material on an electronic cutting machine, do a test cut first before you do a whole sheet, to ensure it will cut the whole way through

Step 4 - Unleash your creativity!
Sticky Roll is such a diverse item in your crafting arsenal, yes it's great just for sticking stuff down if that's all you want to do with it, but it's also brilliant for applying glitter, flock, gilding flakes, mica powders, embossing and ultra thick embossing powders. You can apply it to glass and ceramics as well as card and paper and MDF. So let's get using Sticky Roll with your cutting machine and unleash your creativity!
Please leave any questions or comments below, and if you've got any crafty makes you'd like to share please send some pictures!
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